The Karatas Society exists to promote and support the practical study of the literature, music and dances of G. I. Gurdjieff in Finland. In addition to this website, the Karatas Society also maintains the online publication.
The society has a rich, decades-long history and has contributed to the development of Gurdjieff’s Work in Finland in many different ways. The activities of the Karatas Society breathe and live in time. It is respectful of tradition yet modern at the same time.

At the heart of all activity is the Work directed to the Self and the effort to develop a sense of Being in your own life – a presence in the here and now. It is a desire to see ourselves and the world around us as it is. Gurdjieff’s method fits well with our time, as it is practiced in everyday life – at home, at work, alone or in company. What is possible for us humans, according to Gurdjieff, is beyond our comprehension. Through inner work to increase and awaken consciousness we can get glimpses of those possibilities. Moments can be short, but they can be lifechanging.
The activities of the Society are mainly in Helsinki. However, there are some groups elsewhere in Finland, with which the Society is affiliated. We organize meetings for those interested in the Gurdjieff teaching. At these events you can ask questions, share experiences, and discuss the possibility of joining a reading circle or joining a group.
If you are interested in hearing more about Gurdjieff’s teaching in Finland, please contact us by e-mail at

Tästä suomenkielisille sivuille.